Back to the sprouts – Red rice and squash salad

A long long time ago (read, before having kids), I used to sprout seeds, and marvel at those tiny super tasty things I could sprinkle on everything.

A few months back, I very optimistically bought a pack of organic seeds for sprouting. But it’s not until last week, inspired by the fantasy of veggie burgers decorated with sprouted seeds for my coming workshop, that I actually made the huge move of putting the seeds into a glass jar and rinse them regularly. And magic happened again!

The beauty of it is that it is so simple. If you want tot try this at home, a few tips there for example.

And once you have your sprouts, well, they basically go with anything you fancy. Here is what mine have ended up on :


Red rice and butternut squash salad (4p)

1 small butternut

200g red rice (or brown)

4 handfuls mixed greens

Pumpkin, hemp, sunflower seeds to taste

Seaweed flakes to taste

2 carrots, grated

1 medium beetroot, grated

A small bunch fresh herbs (coriander or flat leaves parsley)

sprouted seeds

For the dressing :

3 tbsp balsamic vinegar

6 tbsp olive oil

Salt / chilli

Cook the rice in plenty of salted boiling water until done (approx 25-30 min for red rice).

Peel the butternut, remove the seeds, cut into bite size pieces. You can either roast the pieces (in an oven proof dish, with a drizzle of olive oil and salt / pepper, at 200° for 20-30 min) or steam them. Rinse the greens and herbs, chop the herbs.

In a large bowl, place the grated carrots and beetroot, the rice, the greens and herbs. Add the dressing and toss. Add the squash and combine gently. Sprinkle with seeds, seaweed and sprouts. Enjoy!








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