Christmas gingerbread loaf (GF, DF)

Here gingerbreads are usually crispy and dry, in France the equivalent (“pain d’épices”) refers more often to cake-like loafs, moist and fragant. They are usually eaten as desert, for instance with a fruit salad, or toasted with butter in the morning, but also sometimes in sweet and savoury dishes, as toast for the foie gras, croutons for a cured ham salad or a hearty soup.

Anyway, it is a big christmas tradition in France, especially in the east. I have mixed two recipes, one from my brother in law (thanks Nicolas) and one from a GF recipe book. And here is the result, moist as it should from the honey and full of tastes!


Gingerbread loaf – serves 8

  • 120 ml almond milk
  • 250g honey
  • 250g buckwheat flour (or a mix of your choice of gluten free-flour, I used 200g buckwheat and 50g chestnut)
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp groung nutmeg
  • 2 tsp green anis seeds
  • 1 tsp ground coriander
  • black pepper to taste (a pinch)
  • 1 flat tsp baking soda

Place the milk and honey in a small pot, gently bring to the simmer.

Meanwhile, combine the flour(s), spices, baking soda in a bowl. Pour about 1/3 of the hot honey mixture, combine, repeat twice.

Pour in a loaf tin, greased or lined with parchment paper. Set aside in a warm spot for about an hour.

Bake in a warm oven (160°C) for about 45 min, until a blade comes out dry. Remove from the tin when cooled. Fold in a tea towel to prevent drying.




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