Christmas gingerbread loaf (GF, DF)

Here gingerbreads are usually crispy and dry, in France the equivalent (“pain d’épices”) refers more often to cake-like loafs, moist and fragant. They are usually eaten as desert, for instance with a fruit salad, or toasted with butter in the morning, but also sometimes in sweet and savoury dishes, as toast for the foie gras, … More Christmas gingerbread loaf (GF, DF)

Pink twirly salad

Oh my, I haven’t written in ages. What happened? Well, among other things, my little girl started school. We’re still not recovered! Stricter routine, busier social life, emotional turmoil, in short, quite absorbing. Anyway, so, here I am, back on my food blogging track. Today, I thought I’d share with you the (quite obvious) tip … More Pink twirly salad

Stuffed mushrooms

Last saturday I’ve been a victim of basic marketing. A punnet of mushrooms, in the reduced section (bright yellow tag), black with a fancy label (in french, imagine!), and that was enough to entice me to throw it in my trolley. At least it was not a 2kg bag of bacon flavoured crisps or a … More Stuffed mushrooms

Back to the sprouts – Red rice and squash salad

A long long time ago (read, before having kids), I used to sprout seeds, and marvel at those tiny super tasty things I could sprinkle on everything. A few months back, I very optimistically bought a pack of organic seeds for sprouting. But it’s not until last week, inspired by the fantasy of veggie burgers … More Back to the sprouts – Red rice and squash salad