Chocolate Nori melting cakes

Say, your partner has a sudden craving for chocolate cake, he doesn’t eat gluten, you’re currently obsessed with seaweed and alternative sweeteners, and, cherry on the cake, you’ve got a brand new stock of fabulous chestnut flour direct from the (French) mill (another big thank you to Amandine and Matt, my delicious vegetables wholefoods angels). … More Chocolate Nori melting cakes

Brussel sprouts !?

When I casually mention that I like brussel sprouts, I quite often hear, after a disbelieving smirk from my interlocutor, “and how do you cook them”? (especially in France, in Ireland brussel sprouts seem to be more of a staple) Which made me think. I usually steam them, and eat them with a bit of … More Brussel sprouts !?

Banana bread (GF)

An absolute classic here, banana bread is not much encountered in France. And in my parisian kitchen bananas were an absolute rarity. One of the reasons was that we had loads of locally grown attractive fruits. Which is hardly the case here… Adding to that the very easy possibility to make it gluten free, and … More Banana bread (GF)

Half hidden veggies

Happy new year everyone!! This year, following a very wise piece of advice read in the irish independant on the flight back from France, we’ve made only one, very achievable, resolution for 2016. Namely : eat more cabbage! It is cheap, filling, and packed with nutrients, anti-oxydants, immunity boosters,… and very under rated, by myself … More Half hidden veggies

Come with the kids!

From now on Laura, a French lady recently arrived from Toulouse (sunny warm south west of France), will be there during the workshops, available to mind kids while we cook. Enthusiastic and fun, she’s had previous experience minding english kids in France. The childminding option is 10€ for the 3 hours of the workshop.